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Life's a Beach!

Writer's picture: Research  Misión Mexico Research Misión Mexico

A day in the life of a volunteer

Thinking of volunteering? Want to know more about life in Mexico? Although it’s not this easy every day, Sunday family days at Misión Mexico are truly the best, and here’s why….

Australian founders, Pam and Alan Skuse spent many years building Misión Mexico and creating a home filled with love, life and hope. Together they’ve seen hundreds of children from Tapachula and the surrounding areas walk through their doors, even creating a youth transition programme that provides children with a more mature environment with the resources to help with their next stage in life. Combining their love of surf, Pam and Alan regularly took the children to the beach for special family time and fun for everybody. Along with the help of generous donations of surf boards and volunteers giving surf lessons, the children were able to practice riding on the big waves and test out their skills as the first surfers in Tapachula!

Following from this is Pam and Alan’s next great project, Misión Surf. Over the last few years and with the help of many donations, Pam and Alan have built an incredible beach house in the poorer community nearby. The ideas behind the use of the house are endless and inspiring. The house has already served as a place for the local children to come and enjoy free swimming lessons, and our children have also completed an art project that saw them venturing out into the community to paint and create beautiful and bright mural’s. The house also has space for various workshops for the children, guests and the community which will include art, craftsmanship and many more activities. Alongside this, Misión Surf will be a hotel complete with a small restaurant which will provide our children and the people from the community with jobs and training in tourism.

So, they’re the basics and the background of Misión Surf, and that’s where we get to spend every other Sunday together as a family! It’s my favourite day for sure, and my most favourite day during my whole time there was a Sunday beach day.

Misión Mexico has a bonus like no other refuge that I know of. During my time in their home in Tapachula, the family and I would spend every other weekend down at their beach house on the coast Misión Surf. Though it’s no holiday home for the kids, and luckily the beach is only a 30-minute drive, beach Sunday’s definitely feel like a mini-break!

The morning shift starts off with a rush because we need to get 22 kids fed, dressed, ready for the beach and sitting in the cars! The 30-minute journey consists of everyone in the van singing along to whatever’s on the radio! It’s funny, and every child knows most of the words to the Latino music AND the western music that plays. Pure talent. 

My favourite beach day was slightly different to the usual. Usually we spend a few hours at Misión Surf then head home for a family BBQ, the normal chores, TV etc. But on this day, we spent literally all day at the beach house, listening to music, playing in the pool, surfing at the beach and eating almost non-stop whilst drinking Jamaica. It was so much fun, and not once did I hear “I’m bored” or “when are we going home?”. The older boys with the help of Jonathan managed to make sure that everyone got into the pool, by choice or with force! And the sun also shined all day which topped everything (and meant that half of us left looking like lobsters!).

Days at the beach are not just filled with fun but are also incredibly important as a family and for the children. It’s the one day in the week where worries go out of the window and everyone laughs and plays heaps more than usual. The children are given the space to be just children and the day is full of normalcy which is usually natural for most families but with 22 children, days like this take a lot more planning and hard work! All the moments shared on that day, all the love and laughter make all the effort worth it. It’s days like these where you think you’ve gotta be the luckiest volunteer going! BBQ, beach, surf, swimming pools, fun and sun. What more could you possibly need?!

For all those interested in volunteering or teaching skills through workshops and projects, please don’t hesitate to ask further. You can apply at! We’re in need of volunteers especially for the holidays throughout the year. Volunteers must be over 21 and willing to commit for 8 weeks minimum.

Thanks for reading! Love Vanisha and the Misión Mexico family.

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  • Volunteer! Contact us via social media for more information on our volunteer role or apply at if you’re 21 years and older and willing to commit for 8 weeks minimum.

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Misión México is a registered non -profit in Mexico RFC: AMM040930797 and registered charity in UK SC042838. Tax-deductible receipts are also available for donations in Mexico.

Mision Mexico is a partner for Project J731N with Global Development Group (GDG; ABN 57 102 400 993). GDG is a charitable Non Government Organisation [NGO] carrying out humanitarian projects with approved partners and providing aid to relieve poverty. Gifts over $2 are tax deductible in the USA, Australia, and over $5 New Zealand. In the UK, eligible donors can claim Gift Aid. Excess funds may be applied to other approved project activities.

© Misión México 2021

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