Many of you are probably wondering what a day’s work at Misión Mexico looks like. Well, wonder no more, because this blog is going to give you all the info that you need about a shift and what to expect…
Jokes aside, every single day is different. Since I’ve been here, we’ve had days at the beach, BBQ’s, school days, days-off school days, arguments over the TV, hairstyling, cooking evenings, a big Mexican Independence Day party and so much more!
“Of course, any day with your family is full of craziness, happiness and the usual annoyances, but imagine if you had 22 children!”
22 x more mouths to feed.
22 x more sets of teeth to make sure are getting brushed.
22 x more children to get up out of bed for school.
22 x more chances of tantrums.
22 x more happy smiles.
And 22 x more children that inspire you and make you laugh daily.
I’m not sure what I was expecting exactly but working here will test your every skill. I’ve worked in busy, fast-paced environments before so for me, it’s not a new feeling for thirteen different people to be shouting your name at once whilst you’re trying to do ten other things at the same time! You get really stuck in to life in the house and quickly feel involved with everyone, it’s a nice feeling.
Days typically start at 5:30am on weekdays. The morning shift starts with waking the children up (making as much noise as possible), making sure that they have breakfast and that they’re dressed, showered, and are sent off to school in their groups. Usually around 7am, you’ll be covered in a pink glow because Tapachula has the most magical skies ever. Shift is over by 8am and by then you might need an hours nap or so.
The late shift starts at 2pm and allows time for lunch, activities, their extra-curricular classes and chill time with the kids before the next lot of craziness begins! You’ll start dinner, call the bell and they’ll rush over. That’s another joke. Like most children, it takes a good few minutes and bell calls to get them all sitting down in one place. After dinner is my favourite time of the day. We send the little ones to bed, read them stories, have more one-on-one time and get lots of hugs and kisses goodnight. Then once all the chores and jobs are done, it’s TV time with the grandes which is usually in Spanish, but it makes for good practice!
Things don't always run smoothly in the house and every shift will be different but the days pass so quickly and it's all such an experience. Then, just as you're getting used to your multiple coloured key sets and all of the children's names and schedules, it's time to leave!
If you're interested in volunteering, please don’t hesitate to ask further. You can apply online here. Must be over 21 and willing to commit for 8 weeks minimum.